Today I have my day off after 10 working days and I am going to enjoy my rest at home with listening to music, taking a bath with aroma oils and enjoying myself. Nov. 09
I moved to Lviv recently. I always liked this city, but I could never imagine my life here. I started a new job and I hope it will be a new and happy page in my life. Aug. 01
Today I went to the volunteer centre to help with some things there and spend time with the orphans. It is great to help others. If we help each other the world will be a kinder place. May. 02
I have a difficult situation at work because my coworker is sick and I have to replace her and work two shifts. But on Friday evening I am going to the spa with my girlfriend to relax. Feb. 07
I have such a delicious morning with cold frappe coffee on the balcony. I have a day off today and happy to have it through the week! Jun. 14
I am so naughty girl today, because I spent the whole day at home. I had coffee in the bed, read the book. Then I did some chores and returned to bed to watch the film. SO relaxing weekend! Mar. 05
I visited my grandmother today and brought her some products and vitamins. She was waiting for me with just cooked Ukrainian borsch and it is perfect dish for winter time Dec. 04
Today I took a day off from work, because my friend will marry on coming weekend and I help her with preparations. Happy that people love, get married, in spite of the war. Sep. 08
I had my Birthday last week and I didn't plan to celebrate it at all, but my close friends arranged such a nice celebration for me on the beach with cake and candles. Jun. 08
My close friend suffered a lot in war, because she stayed in Mariupol. I sent her funds today and hopefully she is able to buy products for herself and her family. Apr. 10
My grandmother will have her 70th anniversary on weekend and I want to bake the cake for her and help with the whole process of cooking. We will have big family gathering. Feb. 23
I had a plan to visit Europe for Christmas season, but now it is hard to plan anything because of corona virus. Maybe I can travel at least to Kiev;) Dec. 03