I am eagerly waiting for you, my Perfect Soul-Mate! I am dreaming of love that takes to heaven). And you will not be bored with me! I know how to make your morning pleasant. There are many various surprises! LOL
Like most women of my culture I am very traditional. My interests are about the house-chores: landscape and interior design; cooking, baking; style. I would love to be a perfect company for my future husband. To be his lover and best friend, to be his companion in activities and in leasure time.
Paris is the one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Ok, I did not see too many cities in the world, but Paris is beautiful anyway! ))) Jan. 24
It is good to start the New Year with a New Project. Just because one of my dearest dreams came true before, I made up another dream for the Next Year. Santa, look at me, I behave good) Jan. 14