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City, Country: Kiev, Ukraine (Map)
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft 1 in / 157cm
Weight: 104 lbs / 47 kg
English: 3 - Limited proficiency  ?
Education: University - Student
Occupation: Business administration
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Never been married
Children: No Children

I am a woman - an explosive mixture. My mother is Ukrainian, my father is German. In my family, respectful relationships are developed and femininity prevails. I lived most of my life in Germany with my family. Now I came to Ukraine to help my grandmother and aunt, because they are important to me

In Ukraine I like to cook, I enjoy it. Yoga in the morning, otherwise you will not be able to cope here and it is difficult to maintain balance in life. I enjoy life no matter what happens around me. 

Myrtha (22)    ID:  Myrtha1

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